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20 years after the publication of Vital Remnants: America’s Founding and the Western Tradition, a book that set out to help America remember her vital roots in the western tradition, Dr. Gary L. Gregg II takes up the title of Vital Remnants once more to continue the mission of serving the future by remembering, thinking about, and learning from the great thinkers of the past. Join Dr. Gregg as he guides listeners through some of the most important texts in human history. Whether you are looking for help in reaching a long abandoned reading goal and continuing your life-long learning, or looking for leadership and life lessons from something deeper than the latest self-help book, Gregg brings a quarter of a century's worth of experience teaching leadership to help you along the way. Vital Remnants from our shared past await to inspire, encourage, and teach us today just as they changed the world we have inherited.

Companion Reading Guides  


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Oct 26, 2021

McConnell Center Director Dr. Gary Gregg and Iowa State University political science professor Dr. N. Susan Laehn discuss the influence of the Ancient Greeks on the American Founding and beyond, examining Plato, Aristotle, Solon, and the city-state.

Corresponding Reading  

Chapter 3, pp. 51-96 of Russell Kirk, The...

Oct 19, 2021

McConnell Center Director Dr. Gary Gregg and American University professor Dr. Daniel Dreisbach take listeners on an intellectual journey through time, examining the Hebraic tradition and ancient Israel’s influence on American ethics, culture, and government. 

Corresponding Reading  

Chapters 1...

Oct 12, 2021

In this episode, McConnell Center Director Dr. Gary Gregg is joined by Dr. Bradley J. Birzer, Professor of History and Russell Amos Kirk Chair in American Studies at Hillsdale College, for a conversation on Russell Kirk’s The Roots of American Order. The two discuss the McConnell Center’s new book in common project...

Oct 4, 2021


In this final episode of Season 4 of Vital Remnants, McConnell Center Director Gary Gregg closes out this series with an overview of Federalist 84-85 and five writings from the Anti-Federalists in Reflection and Choice: The Federalists, The Anti-Federalists, and the Debate that Defined America, edited by...